Toss Off

Introducing Toss Off, a totally unnecessary, irregularly scheduled 2-page RPG zine. I'll throw ideas into this 2-page format and post them here. You can download them and use them as you see fit.

I'm using Google Docs, Hex Kit, and public domain images to put these together and then exporting them as PDFs. Hex Kit images are only licensed for use if the product is distributed for free with no payment required or collected, so I'm releasing 
the zines under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. This means you are free to use the ideas in your own projects, even copying & pasting my words verbatim, as long as you:
  • give me credit
  • indicate any changes you made
  • give your project away for free
toss off 01
toss off 02: random wizard tables
toss off 03: a marshy miscellany
toss off 04: meeffingow
toss off 05: it takes a village
toss off 06: wasteland whatnot
toss off 07: high seas hijinx
toss off 08: ask me about my seed key
toss off 09: 8 zero-level n/pcs for a no-stat modern horror survival game 
toss off 10: WTF?
toss off 11: an unconnected miscellany

These issues are also hosted on