
Rended Press is dedicated to publishing adventures, modules, and other materials for various tabletop roleplaying games, including many incarnations of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game and their retro-clones (aka simulacrum games, or simulacra). Recently, I've moved away from older versions of the aforementioned gaming system. Now I primary churn out system neutral (or system chaotic) materials.

Rended Press is a fan-based imprint and is used to distribute roleplaying game materials free of charge to the gaming community. Rended Press is not affiliated with any roleplaying game manufacturer or distributor.

As for me, I lurk or post under the screen name Vlark or Vlaark on many forums dedicated to roleplaying games. Here's a complete bio.

I use the terms "role-playing" and "roleplaying" interchangeably. Deal with it.