Ghostbusters RPG - Legit Downloads & GBFans Scanned Modules + Sniderman's Fan Modules

Note on 2021-09-25: Google Drive changed the way files are shared. I updated the link to the shared folder, but if you have problems accessing it, drop a line in the comments and I will see what I can do. So I'm on a Ghostbusters kick right now. First, you can find scanned PDF copies of the original West End Games Ghostbusters RPG here: Modules for the first edition of the game AND a shitty scan of the second edition of the game (called Ghostbusters International ) along with some more supplements can be found here: For alternate scans of the above rulebooks here, along with better scans of the Ghost Toasties and Hot Rods of the Gods modules, check out this link: Also, you can buy Ghost dice and some more GBRPG goodies here: Second, there are some online-only ga...